Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ardha Baddha Padomattanasana ~ How To

Ardha Baddha Podmottanasana ~ How To
(Half Bound Lotus Standing Foward Bend)

1. Start standing up in tadasana, with the feet shoulder width apart.

2. Place your rightarm across your lower back area.

3. Now, place your the ankle of your right leg on the on the upper area of your left leg. The right leg should be turned out, with the toes facing outward and the heel near the inner thigh.

4. After this is done, use your right arm to grab the toes and foot of your right leg.

5. Take several deep breaths until you feel steady, now slowly bend over at the hips. Try to get as over as possible. Simultaneously place your left hand on the ground so the palm is flat.

6. Stay in the posture for about twenty seconds, maintain steady breathing. When you are ready to get out of the pose, let go of your toes and place your leg back on the ground. Slowly straighten up and place your arms to the sides.

7. Repeat with reverse arms / legs.

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